For Students

We utilize the
Highlands Ability Battery.

More Information

Create Your Career was founded to help students choose career paths and majors in which they will excel and enjoy by discovering their unique gifts and strengths through aptitude assessment.

Deciding on your college major is a huge step on the pathway to a career; Create Your Career, will coach you along the way, saving time and money by setting a solid course of action into place. Student success is improved as learning channels are maximized and complimentary strategies are provided.

Create Your Career utilizes the Highlands Ability Battery to determine your natural abilities in five key areas:


  • Learning channels – how you learn and take in information best
  • Environment – study/work environments that provide the best fit
  • Problem solving – how you solve new problems most effectively
  • Communication – how you communicate best with others
  • Work types – types of work that best fit your abilities





The effectiveness of your decision-making at key points in your life, like selecting a college major or your first professional position, will depend on the information and knowledge available to you. Knowledge is power. The more knowledge you have about yourself, the more effective your life and career decisions will be.

Create Your Career helps you acquire the self-knowledge, resources and skills to discover and succeed at your life and career. Create Your Career can help you to understand, build, and utilize the eight critical factors in the Whole Person process.


Click to See a Sample Student Report


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